--> The Battle of Rainbow Cakes, and the Winner is... | Aswin and Alia's Food Journey


The Battle of Rainbow Cakes, and the Winner is...

Are the photos of Rainbow Cakes here all the same? So, where's Wally?

One day Aswin had the crazy idea to buy Rainbow Cake from two different places, just said it: place A and B. Well, we decided to compare two of them, which one was the best.

So, even when we not put them side by side, we can see the difference. The rainbow cake from place A had only 5 layers and the color was not as vibrant as rainbow cake from place B, beside that the cake from place B had 6 layers. So, I guess from it's appearance I think Rainbow Cake from place B win.

From the taste, the rainbow cake from place A reminded me of usual sponge cake and has no special taste. We didn't like it at all. Different with the rainbow cake from place B, it was more light, it had different texture and more over we liked the taste. So, the winner was the place B.

I think that's why some people said that rainbow cake is overrated maybe it was because of rainbow cake like the one from place A. By the way, can you guess where was it from? :)

The Rainbow Cake from Place A (Back)

The Rainbow Cake from Place A

The Rainbow Cake from Place A (Front)

The Rainbow Cake from PlaceB

The Rainbow Cake from PlaceB (Front)

The Two of Them: Different in Size, Layers, and Colors


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