--> (Culinary) Trip around Bandung with Christa: Toko Yue | Aswin and Alia's Food Journey


(Culinary) Trip around Bandung with Christa: Toko Yue

The third place we've visited is the Toko Yue store. The reason we here is to try a bowl of Mie Bakso (Noodle Soup). We were thinking of Mie Akung, but considering it is on long weekend and the distance, we choose to go here.

It was packed here, and we can see quite a lot of tourist, local and international visiting this place. We ordered the regular Mie Bakso Yamien Manis (Yamien Noodle and Meatball Soup), Tahu GejrotEdamame (surprisingly, Christa haven't tried this before), and several Jamu (Traditional Herbs Medicine). As expected, the Yamien Noodle, Tahu Gejrot, and Edamame were acceptable with Christa's palette, but the Jamu were not :). Well, at least you have tried it Christa :), a once in a lifetime experience we might say hehehehe...


Toko Yue
Jl. Hasanuddin
Bandung - Indonesia

The Restaurant

Tahu Gejrot


Yamien Manis Bakso

Jamu Beras Kencur 

Jamu Kunyit Asem


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