--> Morning Venue: Nasi Kuning Ibu Nini, Cikawao | Aswin and Alia's Food Journey


Morning Venue: Nasi Kuning Ibu Nini, Cikawao

One day, I decided to do another crazy stunt, by walking from my house to Cikawao just to buy a bread (what can you expect from two university students eh? :D). The distance according to Google Maps reached around 4,3 km for one trip, or 8,6 km for return trip. Quite a walk just for a slice of bread eh? :P.

That's why when I reached there, and find a crowded Nasi Kuning vendor in Jl. Cikawao, I couldn't help myself to try them :). It turned out OK, as the Nasi Kuning tasted rich and also quite cheap (around Rp 7.000/ portion), although for me I still prefer the one near Hasan Sadikin Hospital.


The Vendor

Nasi Kuning


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