--> Our Pilgrimage Journey to Medina and Mecca on January 2014: House of Donuts | Aswin and Alia's Food Journey


Our Pilgrimage Journey to Medina and Mecca on January 2014: House of Donuts

Our (late) uncle has a habit of traveling alone to foreign location and bringing unique, sometimes unexpected items along the way. And in Mecca, he is apparently also travel in solo between praying time.

While we were resting between praying time, he managed to purchase a stack full of donuts to be shared with us. We were really thrilled (and surprised) as we have not found any of these brand during our stay in Mecca. This means that he has travelled quite far, and into quite unknown places.

The donuts tasted quite alright, however, it is the place of the vendor that makes us curious.
So, one night, after Alia is already feeling better, we decided to circle around the Mosque area to find the donuts seller. After searching for two shopping malls, we finally found the place.

It turned out the house of donuts is quite famous in Mecca, as you can see from the queue line. Thankfully we have two bags full of them, so we can enjoy them conveniently in our hotel room :).


House of Donuts
Website: https://plus.google.com/105332896474776824588/about?gl=id&hl=en

The Packages

The Donuts Inside
The Outlet


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