--> Things We Found in a Bazaar: Fried Ice Cream | Aswin and Alia's Food Journey


Things We Found in a Bazaar: Fried Ice Cream

After we finished our sales, we decided to take a stroll around the Bazaar. Not yet full after eating a gigantic sized grilled sausage, two box of mixed fried veggies snack and two glass of iced tea, we search for other things to eat. 

Somewhat needing for a closure after successful but yet disappointed sales of our own, we decided to go and find dessert. Then we sees this vendor who sells Fried Ice Cream. Quickly we are thinking: Ice Cream is a great way to end a meal, but does the fried ones provide the similar experience?

We decided to give it a go. At a cost of Rp 15.000 (US$ 1.2) we can have a go for this tasty treat. Fried Ice Cream is basically Ice Cream covered in pastry dough. It is quite popular back in the US, but now just celebrating their reenactment here in South East Asia. We choose the Strawberry Ice Cream with Blueberry topping.

The Ice Cream is dipped in hot oil for less than a minute before serving. When eaten, we get the crunchy and the crumbling of the pastry but inside are greeted with cold Strawberry Ice Cream. As it is a combination of hot/ cold when eaten early, it might presented as a surprise for some people. We personally liked it, as it combines two of our favorite item: Pastry and Ice Cream. What is not to like?


Fried Ice Cream
90th Anniversary Bazaar of RSHS
Jalan Pasteur

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Frying the Ice Cream
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Finished Product. Yum!


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