The Es Lilin |
If you are Sundanese you must be known this song. Es lilin is one kind of food that makes me remember my childhood's time. This store on Jl. Cikawao called Es Lilin Bandung Aneka Rasa provide es lilin with various tastes, such as fruit (orange, mango, avocado, durian, etc), coconut or kopyor, ketan hitam and many others. I usually bought around 10 sticks that I would stored it in the refrigerator, so when I need something cool and refreshing, I just grab it from the fridge. It just cost 2500 idr for one es lilin, considering you can have it for 4 instead of one Magnum. :)
The Store Logo |
Jl. Cikawao No. 39 Bandung
Phone: 022-4202176
Opening hours: 08.00 - 18.00
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