After one of our favorite vendor at BEC food court is closed, we have been in a constant search for a new food spot in that food court. After several visits there, at one time me and Ruben goes there to find something to eat. Then a vendor quickly attracts my attention.
Bakmie Nongkrong with Favorite Menu: Mie Tolol!
For those of you not originated from Bandung/ Indonesia, Mie Tolol literally means "Dummy Noodle". Wow, funny name. After closer inspection, we found out that the vendor named the dish Mie Tolol, because of it's hotness. You can order the Mie Tolol with 4 distinct level, with 4 chili sign means the hottest.
Unfortunately, as both of us do not quite fond with chili (this part should goes to Alia), we ordered the more "saver" menu. I ordered the Mie Ayam Crispy, while Ruben ordered the Mie Ayam Cabe. Overall the taste is OK. Perhaps on other occasion when I go to BEC with Alia, then we could try and ordered that menu.
The Stall (take a closer look on the Mie Tolol detailed information) |
Mie Ayam Cabe |
Mie Ayam Crispy |
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