Since we are students, we have very flexible time and we could have bought our groceries in the morning, which we find it is perfect time, there's not a lot of people and parking lot barely empty.
In Bandung, like Griya (Yogya) Supermarket in Cihampelas Walk is open at 7 am and they offer discount for fresh stuffs like vegetables, fruits, and meats. If we went there between 7 am till 10 am, also free parking. But, in the morning we always need breakfast and mostly the restaurants in Cihampelas Walk are opened at 10 am, but there's one place available from 7 am, that is Pasar Tong Tong, which is located beside The Kiosk.
Based on Wikipedia, The Tong Tong Fair (formerly known as Pasar Malam Besar) is the largest festival in the world for Indo (European-Indonesian) culture, held annually in The Netherlands. In 2009 it was renamed to 'Tong Tong Fair'. Established in 1959 it is one of the oldest festivals and the fourth largest grand fair in The Netherlands. It is also the annual event with the highest number of paying visitors of the Dutch city of The Hague, having consistently attracted more than 100,000 visitors since 1993. The name ‘Pasar Malam Besar’ is derived from the Indonesian/Malay language and literally means ‘Great Night Market’. The new name was chosen to emphasise its link with the 'Tong Tong Foundation' and its cultural mission. Another reason was to distinguish oneself from the many other fairs under the name pasar malam.
First, we went there and have little snacks like toasted bread with cheese, which they served it on chopping block made from wood or we always called it talenan here and serabi oncom, it was coconut cake with fermented soybean sprinkled on the top and actually it was the mini version, so that's why you've got four pieces in a portion. We also ordered hot tea with sugar for our drink and the glass was in jumbo size, like the glass that was for drink beer. But, I was still hungry, so I had this Nasi Jenggo which only Rp. 6.500,-
And the second time we went there, we had the same craving for some noodles and meatballs, so we ordered the regular baso Solo (meatball from Solo) for me and mie ayam (chicken noodle) for Aswin and we also ordered the jumbo glass hot tea for two of us. The price for foods here is quite cheap, it's around Rp. 7000,- - Rp. 25.000,- and the taste not bad also. I guess the place is great for tourist if they want to have some snacks and foods that are originated from Bandung.
Pasar Tong Tong
Cihampelas Walk
Jl. Cihampelas No. 160
Bandung - Indonesia

Roti Bakar Keju |
(Mini) Serabi Oncom |
Nasi Jenggo |
Baso Solo Biasa |
Mie Ayam |
Jumbo Hot Tea with Sugar |
View on the way to Ciwalk by Foot in the Morning |
Hot Black Coffee |
(Another) Surabi Oncom |
Lumpiah Basah Telur |
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