--> Snack JeleTOTT at Tahu Susu Cihanjuang | Aswin and Alia's Food Journey


Snack JeleTOTT at Tahu Susu Cihanjuang

Remember about Tahu Susu Cihanjuang? It is place where you can find delicious and cheap price tahu susu or milk tofu, but the place isn't all about tofu, they also sell what they called Snack JeleTOTT with three variety: basreng, chips (keripik) and seblak. Maybe we all familiar with Mak Icih, but sometimes I think the price kind of ridiculous and the taste isn't that special. I mean I can have the snack like Mak Icih sell with half of their price in Palasari Market and also in this Tahu Susu Cihanjuang.

Macaroni & Basreng

The Label



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